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Hinlopenstretet by day fotos: Michelle van Dijk

In English: Hinlopenstreet. Most probabely, but not proved, this street is named after Thymen Jacobsz Hinlopen,  leader of the Noordsche Compagnie in 1617. This street cuts (Vest)Spitsbergen of Nordaustlandet and has a length approxemately 167 Km. The width rangs from 9 to 46 Km.
At the south it changes over into Olgastretet.

In the southern part of  Hinlopenstretet are many islands. Wilhelmoya, Wahlbergoya and Von Otteroyane are the largest.

As Conway point out Hinlopenstretet was known many years before it appeared on the maps. For a long timeit was confused with Wijdefjord which is more to the west. That it was known before also appears from the fact that Hinlopen was leading 1617 and this street first was found on a map from 1662 (De Straet van Hinloopen).


Hinlopenstretet at midnight